Wednesday, June 16, 2010

The Lovely List

Offically here is the first participant week for the Lovely List! So far a few of my friends have joined me and I am excited to see what they think is indeed Lovely.



Roses and Rutabagas

and here is what I am loving this week:

The Lovely and talented Sarah Richardson and her shows Sarah's House and Design Inc.

Speaking of the phenom herself, I LOVE her design here with the urns flanking the front door. I am really coveting these swirly trees!

I could eat the BBQ's veggie burger with avacado my husband has been grilling up DAILY. So delish...hmmm I am hungry....

Natures Haven Scentsy warmer is sooo adorable in person. The pictures do not do it justice!
It sits in the master bedroom right now...mmmmmmmmmmmmm sweet sugar smell.

Hope you all have a lovely day!


  1. Lovely lovely. The new scentsy rocks!!!! Very nice!

  2. This is a great idea!
    I found you via Rosie! Love the front door and the loveliness of that first impression...

  3. ahhh... my darling, thank you for hosting a wonderful list party...i was gone all day so have not been able to get a little blog fix until now. If you are planning another party for next week, please send me a little invite as I am excited to do this already, all over again. Have a good night shift...tell those lovely ladies a little bed time story, send them off to dream land and then come and visit in you...Rosie


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