Saturday, June 19, 2010

"you can learn alot of things from the flowers...especially in the month of June"

What a glorious day! Mr C and I went to a lovely local nursery and bought some colorful flowers for our first potted delight! I fell in love with some beautiful lavender. Carried it around with me and looked for another plant to contrast it. Mr c found some beautiful white daisies and beautiful orange flowers (I forget the name just now). I asked the lady who was working there if they would be suitable in a pot together and she said yes, she would definitely try it! So we are! Then it was off to Rona to find a pretty pot! And we found one we both liked. It is so sweet. This is our first attempt at potting here it is! Any advice is GREATLY appreciated...

Happy Saturday!


  1. lovely lovely planter! nice job junior green thumbs! xo

  2. Becky I LOVE it! And I WISH I could offer advice on growing plants but sadly I admit I've killed every plant I've ever owned including our grass LOL! (We just planted a new tree in the front yard so keep your fingers crossed for me!!! We named her Lucille...maybe wishful thinking giving her a name but what the heck!)...I love your pot! and the contrasting orange and violet! Beautiful!....I'm a sucker for contrast!
    ps-I finally added you to my blog roll...sorry it took me so long but I forgot how to do a lot of things after 7 months...I'm a little rusty hee hee!

  3. I love these two colours together...stunning. Great choice...we did the same thing yesterday..maybe I passed you in amounst the flowers???
    Have a great day today. xoxo

  4. Oh so very pretty! I think those purple flowers are growing en masse across from the fence. Congrats on your first planter... I hope Mamma will do one for me when she's here. I have no advice.. my mom always says you have to wait until Mother's day to do potted plants.. dirt makes me want to vomit so I usually pick out the plants and she pots them and my goal is to keep them alive through to my birthday!

  5. Oh my dear girl...I am a terrible blogland on earth did I miss this amazing "Friday BEAUTIFUL" ...these are unbelievable...trés chic
    what a great post...sorry this is coming so late. There are just not enough hours in the day...
    and such a luscious "pot o' posies" you have my dear" the color!
    Was it the large jagged creek rock you like or the round river rock? My dearest trucks for a landscape he got them from there...what might you be looking for?
    Wishing you a SUNNY Monday..{oh, your right, those are empty words}
    Soon my dear, soon we shall be busy with paint brush in hand...
    sending you a Rosie

  6. Hello sweet girl...I so enjoy this little world you have to honor all your hard work, I have left you a wee award on my site...sweet dreams...Rosie

  7. good morning sweet one...NEVER to busy for you my dear...Bill works for landscape depot in Langley...they have quite a good selection...and it always fun to go for a drive...or...take a trip up to Harrison and drive up the mountain. We picked up some rock there{and it was free...still seems silly to PAY for rock :)} are welcome to pop by and show Josh what it looks like.
    Have a great day C

  8. lovely list is ready to count me in sweet one


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