Friday, July 30, 2010

Still here!!

Hello my friends,
Just thought I would check in and say I am still without an internet connection at home until August 4th (almost there!!) I really miss looking at all your blogs and hope you still are comig to see me (even though I have nothing posted!) I will be back and can't wait!

Hope you all have a wonderful weekend! And to my fellow B.C.ers.... HAPPY BC DAY LONG WEEKEND!

xo n huggs,


  1. I miss reading your posts :( But LOVE how you still comment on mine!

    Enjoy the extra long weekend. Yeah BC.


  2. It must feel like torture not to have your internet, but I bet you have gotten a lot done!
    It would probably be very good for my family and I if I were cut off from Blogland for awhile, but I would Hate it!

    See you back on a regular basis soon. In the mean time, clean out every closet. Ha ha

  3. Oh we aren't going anywhere! Can't wait to see you back on here August 4th! It's not THAT far off :)


Thanks for visiting and please feel free to comment :) I love comments :)