Thursday, November 25, 2010

Thanks Ashli!

My sweet blog friend Ashli over at Maillardville Manor has gifted me the Stylish blogger award! What a doll! I absolutely LOVE her blog and check it daily. She is so talented and uber organized...she inspires me to be much more organized every day. Please check her blog out and show the love!

First off, I must thank Ashli!! Standing Ovation!!!
Secondly, I have to list 7 things about myself and finally, pick 2 new blogs I've recently found and enjoyed and of course, pass the award on to them!

7 things about me:
1) I am a music trivia me, you WANT me on your team!
2) I have one fur baby by the name of Charlie. Prince Charles if you will (HA! get it? Will?)
3) Evidently, I am pretty funny ;)
4) I am a RN and I love what I do!
5) Secondary to my profession, I tend to be sleep deprived.
6) I am trying to be more organized in all areas of my life. Working on Home stuffs currently.
7) I own my own baking company with Rocketgirl- Tasty Little Confections (TLC) we are both nurses heehee!

And some blogs I am LOVING??

Sarah over at Cozy. Cottage. Cute.

The Brick Cottage- great reno pics and inspiration!

so enjoy looking and drooling over these great blogs, and thanks again to sweet Ashli!


Thanks for visiting and please feel free to comment :) I love comments :)