Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Clean Home-Clean Earth

One of my New Year's hopes was to choose more Eco-Friendly/ Health Friendly cleaning products. Well, we have found what we think is the most pleasing products to out use! We were in pretty little home decor shop and stumbled upon Caldera line of products. Pretty, beautiful smelling and THEY ACTUALLY work! I have been a skeptic about eco-friendly cleaners...quite honestly I never thought they would work as well as the harsh bleach/pine smelling counterparts. I was incorrect.

We picked up both a counter top cleaner (my favorite!) and a concentrated all purpose cleaner. So this stuff should last! The smell evokes memories of being at our Summer Rental at the seaside. I love that smell! Essential oils infused into this intoxicating cleaner include one of my faves Lemon Verbena, Cardamon and Neroli. The best part is it leaves a Sea Salt smell hanging in the air...just like at the beach! It seriously makes me want to constantly wipe down my counter top. It lifts food left behind after prep and general daily wipe downs. I have yet to use it in the bathroom. But the smell will be lovely in there as well.

Happy Cleaning everyone! I am going to go sea-side ;)


  1. Oh I'll be my ocean loving daughter would love this! I also love natural cleaners! I remember, when in Sicily years ago, my aunt would disinfect the kitchen with lemons. It smelled amazing!
    Happy cleaning!

  2. I've seen those but never tried any. I may pick some of their stuff up :)

    Oh dear one I have missed you. What a gorgeous new header...quite perfect!
    Look forward to a wee get together having a little knee clean up in a couple of weeks, so am trying to get my long list of "to do's"... DONE. Will be in the shop for the next couple of Saturdays...maybe I will see you????xoxox...Rosie

  4. YAY!!!! I've been wondering about these!!! As soon as my Martha Stewart stuff runs out I'll be trying these :)


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