Sunday, January 20, 2013

Mish Mosh


Ok, yes, I know I am over due on this.  But I still want to wish you all a wonderful 2013. 
Resolutions? Yes, I have a few.  I am not entirely sure they are any different than last years really.
But I will share a few...
1)  Blog more
2)  Learn to use my beautful Nikon camera...well. (SARAH!!!!!!)
3)  Organize the house...this is proving to be a challenge.  Just seems no time with a busy near 12 month old!
4)  Continue to finish unfinished projects around the house...but to be fair, the huns has to help with these :)
5)  Show more gratitude and be more thankful.  In more tangible ways.

Just a few...kinda boring.   I am also focused on my little monkey.  I want to spend more time devoted to day trips and outtings as a family.  The aquarium and the zoo (if you can call it that) to name a few.  He is growing so fast, I feel like I am missing it.  Gotta spend more quality time. Darn work. 

That being said, I love my job.  Nursing is so fantastic.  I am happy to be back caring for my patients.  Man, I really did miss that.

I also want to take a moment to thank a few of my blog friends for some pretty awesome things.
Liz, thank you so so much for the art print you sent AJ for his first Birthday.  SO thoughtful and I love it.
Sarah, thank you so much for the impromptu camera lesson.  That was sweet :)

So there you have it, a mish mosh of thoughts.  No pictures, no crafts, no home decor.
Hope you are all well and healthy!

Love Me.


  1. Happy New Year!
    So nice to see you back in blog land you have your hands full with monkey but its all wonderful. Just wanted to say its fantastic to have you back at work, its a weird feeling but its like mat leave didnt happen, if only work hadnt have been so insane for youre return, will have to try to fix that. Welcome back oxoxo

  2. Hey B,

    I nominated you for a blog award, please hop over to mine for the rules and play along!

    Kae x


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